P3 Mrs Arbuckle & Mr Gamble
Class: P3GA
Hello and welcome to Primary Three Arbuckle / Gamble!
It has been a wonderful start to the year and the children are enjoying our first topic of “Celebrations”.
We have used our Let’s Celebrate Topic to celebrate ourselves, our families, and our Wonderful World.
Primary Three is the beginning of Key Stage 1. We are building on all our wonderful play based learning from Foundation Stage. We use our amazing open area to facilitate Activity Based Learning related to all areas of the curriculum.
What a super start to the year, we hope you enjoy journeying through our P3 adventure with us.

As the weather has been kind to us, we have been able to extend our learning to the outdoors in Primary 3. The children especially enjoy our Courtyard with its mud kitchen and soil pit. The children have used super imagination to create some art in the outdoors.

Outside fun time