ICT is a generic term used to denote the convergence of computers, video and telecommunications, as seen in the use of multi-media computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles etc.
Information and Communications Technology across the curriculum has the potential to transform and enrich children's learning experiences and environments. It can empower children, develop self-esteem and promote positive attitudes to learning. Additionally, the creative use of ICT has the potential to improve children's thinking skills, providing them with the opportunities to become independent, self-motivated and flexible learners.
At Ballymagee, children develop the skills of Using ICT by engaging in meaningful research and purposeful activities in relevant contexts.
They use ICT to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and take risks. They process, present and exchange their ideas and translate their thinking into creative outcomes that show an awareness of audience and purpose. They also use ICT to collaborate within and beyond the classroom, to share and exchange their work and to exhibit and showcase their learning.
With ICT through a networked system, Touch Screen Interactive Panels, Control Technology, iPads, digital voice recorders, Green Screen Technology, and learner response units throughout the school, we can ensure that ICT is used effectively as a learning tool throughout the curriculum whilst preparing children to be ready and able to embrace the technological advances in their futures.