The School Day
Times of the School Day
During this time of restrictions around COVID-19 children go directly into their class bubbles from 8:45am and we are operating a staggered pick up system. The information below pertains to timings when there are no restrictions in place.
Members of staff will be on duty from 8:45am each day and for reasons of safety children should not arrive for school before this time.
The school bell sounds at 8:55am and the P2 - P7 children line up and are then escorted into their classrooms by their teacher. P1 children go directly into their classrooms during the Autumn and Spring terms.
All children P1-7 may go directly into their rooms from 8:45am on wet days.
Year 1
September (1st 3 weeks) 9am - 12:30pm
September on (4th week) 9am - 1:50pm
Year 2
Monday - Friday 9am - 1:55pm
Year 3
Monday & Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am - 2pm
Years 4 - 7
Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 2pm