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Ballymagee Primary School and Nursery Unit

Learning Today to Discover Tomorrow


All children and young people have the right to a primary education.

(Article 28, UNCRC)


The Curriculum of the school consists of the activities and experiences designed to promote the personal, social and academic development of our children. It includes the Areas of Learning and Skills & Capabilities, as determined in the Northern Ireland Curriculum, and the wider curricular activities and experiences available at Ballymagee.


The Curriculum is reflected in the school's ethos; the way the school is organised, the equality of opportunity, the personal relationships, the attitudes and values which we intend children to develop as a result of attending Ballymagee. Children learn from all these experiences so we try to make sure that we are consistent in providing an appropriate curriculum for the children you have entrusted into our care.


We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that the children are encouraged to develop their capabilities fully and are supported in whichever ways necessary to prepare them for the social end educational challenges that lie ahead.


The Northern Ireland Curriculum is set out in Areas of Learning. Although set out separately, teachers will integrate learning across the six areas to make relevant connections.


The Areas of Learning are:

Language & Literacy

Mathematics & Numeracy

The Arts (Art & Design, Music & Drama)

The World Around Us (History, Geography & Science)

Personal Development & Mutual Understanding

Physical Education

Religious Education


At the heart of the Curriculum lies an explicit emphasis on the development of skills and capabilities for lifelong learning and for operating effectively in society. Through the opportunities to engage in active learning contexts across all areas of the curriculum, children should progressively develop:


Cross -Curricular Skills:


Using Mathematics

Using Information & Communications Technology 


Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities:

Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making

Self Management

Working with Others

Managing Information

Being Creative
