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Ballymagee Primary School and Nursery Unit

Learning Today to Discover Tomorrow

Ballymagee House System

Our House System

Over the years, our children have enjoyed being part of our Houses which were previously known as Red, Yellow, Blue and Green.


In the academic year 2022 -2023,  School Council were set the important task of revamping these houses.

They designed new crests, selected new names and chose a colour for each house.


The new house system was launched in September 2022.

Every child from Nursery to Primary 7 is placed in a house.

Every member of staff in Ballymagee is also placed in a house.


House Names & Significance

Ferguson (Red house)

Named after our first Principal


Archer (Yellow house)

Named after our first Vice Principal


Mairs (Blue house)

Named after our first Chair of Governors


Dufferin (Green house)

Named after Lady Dufferin who opened our school


House Points and Events

Children can earn house points with lovely manners, showing kindness, for fantastic work and many more.

We have an exciting annual house quiz when children compete to earn points.


Points are also awarded at our various sporting events throughout the year including:

Cross Country



Sports Day

Meet Our House Captains for 2024 - 2025

House Captains

The Primary 7 children vote for their peers and each year we look forward to our newly elected house captains leading each house forward. 


Roles and Responsibilities

At Ballymagee Primary School, we recognise the importance and value of House Captains in supporting our Ballymagee family.  These key roles are ones of privilege and responsibility that require the children to be dedicated and organised and set a positive example to all children throughout the school.


Some of the key responsibilities of our House Captains include:


  • To be a role model in terms of attitude, attendance, behaviour, manners and appearance to all members of the Ballymagee family.
  • To liaise with other House Captains and members of staff.
  • To organise House meetings and communicate clearly and effectively with all members of the House team.
  • To help organise and support House activities including, Inter-House Competitions such as House Sports and House Quizzes.
  • To support and model positive behaviour around the school.
  • Count House Points and update House Points Board.
  • To support the staff team with jobs as and when necessary.
  • To wear the House Captain’s badge with pride.



2024 - 2025 Ballymagee staff and the houses they support.

School Council designing our new crests, selecting names and picking colours.


Children from Nursery to Primary 7 recently took part in our House Cup Cross Country Event. It was fantastic to see so many children and staff involved in the challenge and earn points for their School Houses. Every child that ran/jogged/walked the course received a house point with an additional 10 points for 3rd, 20 points for 2nd and 30 points awarded to 1st place in each class. The winners were presented with a certificate in assembly!

Well done everyone! Our Daily Mile activities are really paying off!


Make sure to visit our 'School Videos' to see this event in action!


House Cup Quiz

We had a great afternoon competing in our House Cup Quiz.  Each class from Nursery to P7 had to answer questions to earn points for their Houses. Well done everyone! 
