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Ballymagee Primary School and Nursery Unit

Learning Today to Discover Tomorrow

P1 Mrs Hanna

Class: P1H

Hello and welcome to our P1 website page. Thank you for visiting 😊


We have settled well into ‘BIG’ P1 and are enjoying making new friends and learning lots! Our classroom is full of happy faces, sparkly singing and helping hands.


We have been reading the Oxford Reading Tree books about Biff, Chip and Kipper and are loving following their adventures each day. We are even learning to read words all by ourselves! Mrs Hanna is very proud of us becoming readers. We enjoy trying to write these new words on our whiteboards.


Our first topic was called, ‘Our Great Big World!’ We learned that we live in Bangor - Northern Ireland, which is a very small country compared with other countries! We have been learning the names of other countries and have been learning to say hello and say the days of the week in different languages! We celebrated European Day of Languages by exploring flags from all around the world and by learning to sing a song in French! For Show and Tell we brought in photographs of days out in Northern Ireland and of holidays near and far! We know that you can travel around the world using lots of different types of transport. We are excited for our P1 trips this year and look forward to travelling on a bus together to W5 and also a walking adventure to the Post Office!


Our new topic is called, ‘Autumn.’ We have been having so much fun playing in the playground and gathering Autumn leaves. We have been making leaf kebabs this week! We like to use magnifying glasses to look up close at leaves, sticks, bugs and logs. We have been learning about fruit and vegetables and have set up our very own Ballymagee Farm Shop! We have been learning about pennies and have been buying, selling and counting out change during play. We have been weighing vegetables on balance scales. We have been washing vegetables in the water tray and stamping pictures with paints and fruit. We talked lots about using vegetables to make soup – then we wrote a shopping list together and finally… we all made and tasted our very own tomato soup! It was delicious! We are fabulous at chopping tomatoes and are looking forward to helping our parents prepare meals at home.


In numeracy, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and have been going on shape hunts around school and spotting shapes in our environment. We have been sorting lots of materials into sets and have been learning about colour, shape and size. We even learned about sorting using Carroll, Venn and Tree diagrams! We play counting games each day and like to play numeracy games on the Interactive board.


We play in the Courtyard everyday and love going down the slides and climbing on the climbing frame. We have races on the scooters and bikes and we like to get messy in the mud kitchen! We love to learn through play and exploration outdoors and can’t wait for all of our adventures to our Eco-Garden and Music Garden.


P1 is lots of fun – we hope you enjoy looking at our photographs.

Mrs Hanna and Primary One 😊
