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Ballymagee Primary School and Nursery Unit

Learning Today to Discover Tomorrow


NURSERY 2023 - 2024

November & December 2023

At Ballymagee Nursery we have had a wonderful time learning about People Who Help Us.


The Police came to tell us about their job. The children thought police only catch ‘bad guys’ but learnt that they help people who are lost and sometimes they also need to direct traffic. We got to see how the police car works and pressed the red and blue lights on.

We made emergency vehicles using junk are, drew representations of people who help us, played with the emergency cars and road signs, and pretended we were the police outdoors, and firefighters indoors. The special number we have tried to learn to contact the emergency services is 999.


The Patrol Lady came to tell us how to cross the road safely, why she wears a special uniform which lights up in the dark and what it means when she holds her ‘lollypop stick’ sideways, upwards and downwards. 


The children practised crossing the road safely in Nursery and then on the busy main road. Stop, Look and Listen.

At assembly there was a surprise visitor: Pudsey Bear! We learnt that we could help other children, who do not have all the clothes and toys we have, by giving money to the Children in Need appeal.


At Nursery we have pretended to be builders, firefighters, police constables, doctors, nurses, farmers, shop keepers, barista workers and teachers. There is so much to learn about People Who Help Us!

September & October 2023 - 2024


Hello and welcome to Ballymagee Nursery

We’ve had an amazing start to the year and the boys and girls are enjoying making new friends, exploring the great outdoors and learning new routines and skills as well as play, play, play.


During our topic Harvest, we’ve been learning about where food comes from, charting our favourite vegetables on the ‘big screen’, printing pictures using all sorts of vegetables, developing pre-writing skills by chopping, making soup and tasting it, playing farms and reading stories such as Pumpkin Soup and Apple Tree Farm.


As a recognised Forest School nursery, we have been making use of our great outdoors in the sun and rain. Check out our transient art pictures using natural items. We’ve been blackberry picking, discovering which leaves are wet/dry by their sound, identifying the season through nature, and investigating which animals may live nearby and why they sleep so much.


Debbie Doolittle came to visit and brought her woodland friends. It was exciting to be able to stroke a fox and ferret, tickle a hedgehog, cuddle a rabbit and see a barn owl up close. Throughout the year we will have lots more visitors to nursery and we will also visit Clandeboye Estate.


To encourage a love for reading and books and develop an awareness of the world around us we will visit Carnegie Library.  Going on the big bus is the best part.    


As part of the Getting Ready to Learn programme we have parent workshops and stay and play sessions as well as lots of educational resources and books to take home from the lending library each week. The children love sharing these with siblings and parents.

Nursery September 2022
